
Welcome to the website of the New Zealand War Graves Trust. This is the site where the photographs, research and background information from the Trust's project are lodged.

The New Zealand War Graves Trust welcomes and appreciates contributions from visitors to our website. Many interesting stories have been forwarded to the Trust, casting light on the background of the New Zealanders whose war graves are captured here. In particular, family members have been generous in sharing memories, information or photos. Each contribution is checked and prepared for publication on our website. But this is voluntary work and there is a queue of stories waiting to be posted on the website. We ask for your patience and understanding if material you have offered is yet to appear. In the end, the website will be richer for all your contributions.

This website is a work in progress. Photographs and information will continue to be uploaded to the website over the next two years. Already there are over 40,000 photographs on the website. More will be added as they come to hand.

The website was developed thanks to a grant from the Lottery Grants Board.

View of Monastry at Cassino
Monday, August 26, 2024
The 80th anniversaries of many significant World War II battles fall in the years from 2019 to 2025. The New Zealand Division was in Italy in 1943-44. The 2nd New Zealand Division, initially the New Zealand Division, was an infantry...
Monday, November 27, 2023
Thiepval Anglo-French Cemetery, Authuile   The New Zealand War Graves Trust has welcomed the decision by Unesco to list World War I graves and memorials on the Western Front in Belgium and northern France as a World...
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
The Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) in the United Kingdom has agreed that all of its website pages commemorating New Zealanders will now have a link to the New Zealand War Graves Trust (NZWGT) website. The CWGC cares in...
People inside an inhalation chamber in Christchurch during the influenza epidemic of 1918
Friday, November 16, 2018
In the centenary year of the 1918 influenza pandemic, the history of military deaths reveals how chronic was the spread of the disease in military camps with the men in close quarters. In New Zealand, the army camps at Narrow Neck in...
Latest news updates related to both the War Graves Project and New Zealand casualties in general. You can also review older news articles.
Answers to common questions associated with both the war graves project and the data we have in our database.
Since we began in 2006 the War Graves Trust has continued to move from strength to strength. These pages will allow you to learn more about who we are and the philosophy behind the project.
Our Map provides the ability for you to search a geographic region for information relating to where our war dead ar buried. The map is interactive and allows you to explore this representation of our data.