Don McKinnon (when Commonwealth Secretary-General):
……I congratulate you on the establishment of the New Zealand War Graves Project. Keeping New Zealanders informed about what happened to their citizens in the way you are contemplating will add a positive and worthwhile dimension to the country’s knowledge of its own history.
 Claire Samber – CWGC:
The establishment of the New Zealand War Graves Project, will , I am sure, be an extremely worthwhile and useful project to New Zealanders worldwide, It will undoubtedly become a valuable resource for new Zealanders tracing their relatives and learning more about the historical background to those conflicts in which their families were involved.
 Lt. Gen J. Mateparae:
The New Zealand War Graves Project’s plan to photograph every NZ war grave and memorials and establish a database and website utilizing this material is an ambitious and important undertaking…… … I wish the New Zealand War Grave Project every success and I am convinced that its work will be of great value to the nation.
 Auckland Museum:
We will be pleased to support your project and would be delighted to see the New Zealand War Graves Project ultimately located here as part of the most comprehensive war memorial archives and services in the country. - Dr T. L. Rodney Wilson (when Director of the Museum)
 Royal New Zealand Returned & Services Association:
It is the belief of the Executive that The New Zealand War Graves Project would be a most significant Remembrance project and of great value to New Zealanders, Local Communities and the Nation. - John Campbell, when National President
Other Important Supporters :
- Hon John Key, Prime Minister, Leader of the National Party
- Hon Chris Finlayson, Minister of Arts, Culture and Heritage
- Hon Peter Dunne, Leader United Future New Zealand
- Hon Jonathan Coleman, Minister of Defence
- Dr Peter Sharples, Co-leader, Maori Party