Project Contacts


Dennis Kerins
Dennis Kerins is retired but previously worked in the Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, University of Auckland designing interactive educational material. Through Askance Digital Design he has designed, created, and maintained websites and has considerable experience in digital image manipulation, web site design and structures, graphic design, educational design and writing. He is a graduate of The University of Auckland.

Derrick Bunn
Derrick Bunn is a photographer, videographer, video editor, audio engineer and blogger. His photographs have appeared in the New Zealand Herald, New Zealand Geographic and the Listener magazine.

Commander Brett Fotheringham, RNZN
Brett is the current chairperson of the Trust and has had a diverse career in the New Zealand Defence Force working in a range of operational, training, administrative and policy oriented roles. He trained as a Seaman Officer and served at sea in a variety of Navy ships. He has been seconded to The Treasury and served a Base Manager of Scott Base, Antarctica. He has served with the United Nations in Cambodia and Afghanistan and represented the NZDF as Defence Adviser Pacific and Defence Attache Bangkok (responsible for Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam). He is a graduate of Auckland University and has a Master of Philosophy from Cambridge University. His father served in the Korean War and grandfathers and great uncles in World War I and II.

Terry Snow
Terry is a previous chairperson of the Trust and lives in Amsterdam where he has retired and follows his interests in music, writing, gardening and travelling. As a journalist in New Zealand, he worked on the Auckland Star, The Shed magazine, was editor of the Listener and subsequently managing editor of W & H Publications, producing books for the New Zealand Herald. He served for a number of years on the New Zealand Press Council (now the New Zealand Media Council), the Advertising Standards Complaints Board and on the Creative New Zealand Arts Board.

Postal Address:

New Zealand War Graves Trust
5 Quo Vadis Place
Red Beach 0932
New Zealand

Telephone:64 09 427 6223 or 027 2783 925
E-mail:[email protected] or [email protected]