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From the Official War History of the 20th Battalion and Armoured Regiment Page 72:

On homeward bound trip - hit by Allied anti-aircraft fire at 00:21 hrs and crashed some 5 minutes

I was named after my uncle Walter Ross Tinker.

Francis, often known as Texas died of a heart attack in his room in the Cecil Hotel in Wellingto

John was born on the 30th August 1896, in Carterton, Wairarapa, New Zealand.

Robert was born on the 2nd December 1894, in Masterton, Wairarapa, New Zealand.

I never met my Uncle, James Travers.

Ronald (Punter) Winterburn is my Father's older brother.

Walter Paisley Scott was born on January 8th 1894. [Record since amended - NZWGT]

Edward Alexander Strack was born 3rd January 1889. [Record since amended - NZWGT]

May God bless the O'Gorman boys on this Anzac Day 25 April 2022.