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Leslie was born on the 21st March 1894. He was just 20 when he left New Zealand.

It all started with Google! My father was a pilot during the war.

Brother to Leonard who was lost at Longueval September 15th 1916.

Dear Uncle Davy,

April 2019 Minna Munro was the the first family member to visit Uncle Johnny's grave at the

Corporal Stewart- date of birth 7 March, 1911, Drury, Papakura, Auckland.

Tom was born in Christchurch on 12.11.1917.

The Platoon Commander, Corporal Stewart and Private Cooper volunteered to get the wounded from th

I am 12 and I was looking through some medal thingys from my grandpa's house and I found a m

Albert's parents were Richard Edgar and Ruth Florence Wickham (nee Richardson).

Robert was my father's eldest brother one of 7 boys and 3 girls.

Born 1894 to Arthur Herbert Penney and Margaret Penney nee Edwards.

Helm David Alexander Hume was born in Riversdale, Southland in 1891.

While doing EOHO work at Dalmellington I found this private mermorial for Samuel Forsyth

This is a copy of an In Memoriam I have of Donald Macdonald, dated 23rd July, 1917...........